Saturday, March 22, 2008

Procrastinating, I'll finish this thought later

I decided to change the look of my blog. Sitting in the library for almost 8 hours on a Saturday gives me plenty of time to think about things like that. Of course it also gives me plenty of time to tackle the backlog of Church History homework I've let pile up or edit my senior synthesis paper, but I would rather not.

In general, doing the school thing seems to be something I would just rather not. I started the semester enthused about one last chance to pull my GPA up as high as it could go and then spring break happened.

Ever since spring break I have not cared about my GPA. When I didn't show up to my first class after the scheduled spring break I responded to my friends by saying, "I didn't feel like ending my spring break yet." Of course missing one class is not going to send my GPA into a desperate spiral to a 0.0.

I also dropped a class I was auditing because I really don't feel like sitting in class for 2 1/2 hours on a Tuesday afternoon if I don't have to.

Yes, I think that as far as academics go, spring break was one of the worst things that could have happened.

Life without a GPA. What is that? Gracious, you best believe I look forward to finding out.

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