Friday, March 21, 2008

The Early Hours of Good Friday

The computer reads 5:52am. I have been up since a little before 3:30am. Isn't this only supposed to happen to parents and their newborns?

And yet, here I sit, quite awake. This tonsilitis is taking its toll.

I was thrilled when I realized I would have three evenings in a row free to do what I want. That rarely happens and I dreamed about going to Barnes and Noble and reading. Those dreams were quickly shattered.

I started to feel bad. Then it got better. Then I started to feel worse. Then my mom took me to the doctor.

Tonsilitis with the possibility of strep throat. But now it looks like its just tonsilitis. Being out for more than a brief period of time exhausts me and I find myself having to get back home to rest.

So much for that rest tonight. I had slept almost 3 1/2 hours when I woke up and have been awake since.

I've thought a bit about how on the Christian calender Jesus was being questioned at this time. He was being beaten and he knew what was ahead. And yet he stayed there, ready to give his life for us.

Fully God, he knew he would be ressurected on the third day. Fully human, perhaps the darkness seemed to almost veil the coming light.

As I took communion in chapel yesterday for our Maundy Thursday service, I knew I could only grasp a small peice of the holiness of the moment.

Easter is coming.

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