Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Headline: Coyote Cools off in Downtown Chicago

So this post is mostly for my non-Chicago friends, as those of you here have more than likely heard this story.

A coyote walked into a Quiznos in the Loop the other day. Now, the Loop is the economic center of Chicago and quite a busy little place if you happen upon it before offices close for the day. So my fellow interns and I didn't quite understand how no one seemed to notice this furry creature striding through the area that contains the Sears Tower. According to a Chicago Tribune article, some people thought it was a dog. Not that an urban canine running down the sidewalk is normal or anything.

The video footage on the news was priceless. He walked in quite nonchalantly and proceeded to sit in the beverage cooler, which held the bottled sodas.

The same article also mentioned that the people in the Quiznos calmly walked out. I, on the other hand, would have had to stop myself from just happening to need a soda at the same time the coyote cooled off near the Pepsis.

Read the linked article from the Chicago Sun-Times to find out about his trek back to the woods. The last sentence is priceless.,CST-NWS-coyotegone04.article

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