Saturday, June 30, 2007


My church just finished up a week of Vacation Bible School. It went really well, however, there was one point of hilarity (ok, many points, but I'll focus on this one).

In the opening worship video shown throughout the week, which was produced by the company we purchased the curriculum from, there was the five-part story of a soccer team.

On the last night they were playing the championship game against a really mean team that would constantly foul them just to be mean.

In one scene a kid from the the other team knocked over (or something to that extent) a kid from the team we had been following all week.

Do you know what the coach of the other team yelled? Showing his excitement at his team's ruthless playing, he yelled, "Keep it gangster!"

I, of course, found this hilarious. I looked around. Why was the rest of the church just watching the video, no expressions of amusement? Surely they heard the middle-aged white man in the Southern Baptist VBS video say "gangster." Then of course there is the fact that he actually fully prounounced "gangster."

Ah well, my friend who works in the nursery heard it and laughed. At least someone else in attendance found the hilarity of it.

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