Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Brief History of July 26

Today being my birthday, I thought I would share a brief history of this day. With the help of The History Channel website and my own life experiences, I have come up with a list. Some of the events are really important, others aren't so much, but they're still fun!

Interested in what happened on your birthday? Also check out "The Timetables of History." An earlier edition was one of my textbooks my junior year of high school and it was amazing.


July 26, 1775: the US Postal Service was established (sorry for the junk mail).
July 26, 1797: John Quicy Adams tied the knot.
July 26, 1908: the FBI was founded.
July 26, 1931: grasshoppers overstepped their bounds in the Midwest.
July 26, 1943: Mick Jagger was born.
July 26, 1945: Winston Churchill resigned.
July 26, 1947: Truman signed the National Security Act.
July 26, 1964: Sandra Bullock was born.
July 26, 1982: I was born.
July 26, 1988: My mom debuted her awesome pink elephant cake for my 6th birthday.
July 26, 1993: I went with my family to see Free Willy for my 11th birthday.
July 26, 1998: This day included one of my most significant experiences with God, it was my 16th birthday.
July 26, 2003: This was my favorite birthday ever! I turned 21 (and no...I did not get drunk).
July 26, 2004: I celebrated my birthday with a trip to the zoo....who does that for their 22nd birthday??
July 26, 2005: I turned 23 in Waco, TX. It was the summer I served at Mission Waco and my passion for biblical social justice began to take root.
July 26, 2006: I turned 24 in Chicago! I love that city.
July 26, 2008: I turned 26 on the 26th and wrote this blog.

Let me know what awesome stuff happened on your birthday!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Money Management

Ok, so the government isn't totally to blame. Sure, I think they took too much of my salary, but I wouldn't need it so much if I hadn't made huge financial mistakes in the past that have put me into so much debt.

I like this quote (summarized and probably not word-for-word): "God provides food for all of his birds, but he doesn't throw it into the nest."

I'm gonna trust God and work hard.

Feel free to hold me accountable.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bills are Due!

I am back in Harnett County.

I am desperately on a job hunt.

If you have any resources/connections/suggestions....please let me know!

Monday, July 7, 2008

I Vote Repubican...Or Democrat....Or Whoever Will Lower My Taxes

I am frustrated. As many of you may know by now, I resigned from my job. I simply could not meet my bills, especially my student loan payments, on my salary.

Here's what makes me mad: taxes are the reason I have to resign my job.

I guess I was too naive. I was making $25,000 a year. I figured I could count on $2,000 a month because that would total $24,000. I didn't think they would take too much money out of a salary that small. I was wrong. The government is taking about $5,700 a year out of my paycheck. Were they taking out what I anticipated, I would have about $500 a month more and I would not have severe money issues. I would easily be able to pay my bills.

I'm not talking about living more simply so others can receive assistance. I am talking about not being able to keep a low-paying job myself so the government can have my money.

I know the Republican Party is flawed, both parties (and a bunch of smaller, less influential parties) are. Many Republican candidates no longer seem to be about lower taxes and smaller government. But I am going to seek out candidates that do lower taxes, candidates that stand for the traditional values of the Republican Party. However, I agree that sometimes Democrats will do a better job. Regardless of who lowers my taxes, if I am going to follow Jesus' command to care for the poor, I have to be able to keep a job so I have money to give.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Shift in Focus

So, how I approach theology has changed a bit since divinity school. True, it hasn't been quite two months since I graduated, but I can already see some changes.

For instance, toward the end of my divinity school career I was very concerned with the liberal vs. fundamentalist debate. Terms such as postmodern, moderate, emergent, and other words peeked my interest.

I admit, they still do to some degree, but as I am trying to figure out why God has put me here in this small, rural town, I realize that a good definition of postmodernity does nothing to help the people in that incredibly poor section of town buy food. Arguing liberal vs. fundamentalist theology is not empowering the regular visitors of social services.

I think there is a place for those debates, and I think many people are called to deeply explore them. I believe some people are definitely called to the ministry of questioning and engaging in issues of theology.

Sometimes I feel like I am shallow if I am not engaging in these debates, but that's not the case. When I think of ministry, I think of it as being holistic. Part of that definitely involves deep conversations about theology, but some of that also involves meeting people's needs in simplicity. Sure, I enjoy a good theological debate every now and then, but for me to effectively minister to those I'm now daily encountering, I need to be able to share Christ in layman's terms.

I still think it's very important to understand theology and decide what and why you believe what you do about the Christian faith. At the same time, I am realizing that it's not always necessary to use multi-syllable theological words to share my faith and views. I am learning to share my faith, and my theology, in simpler terms.

Please know, I am not undermining the importance of deep theological study and I respect those who regularly undertake that task. I often do enjoy exploring theology and engaging in theological debate. But I also think there is a time and place for ministry involving more basic conversation. Yes, there are definitely times when my ministry involves exploring deeper theological issues, and I am trying to find a balance.