Saturday, June 30, 2007


My church just finished up a week of Vacation Bible School. It went really well, however, there was one point of hilarity (ok, many points, but I'll focus on this one).

In the opening worship video shown throughout the week, which was produced by the company we purchased the curriculum from, there was the five-part story of a soccer team.

On the last night they were playing the championship game against a really mean team that would constantly foul them just to be mean.

In one scene a kid from the the other team knocked over (or something to that extent) a kid from the team we had been following all week.

Do you know what the coach of the other team yelled? Showing his excitement at his team's ruthless playing, he yelled, "Keep it gangster!"

I, of course, found this hilarious. I looked around. Why was the rest of the church just watching the video, no expressions of amusement? Surely they heard the middle-aged white man in the Southern Baptist VBS video say "gangster." Then of course there is the fact that he actually fully prounounced "gangster."

Ah well, my friend who works in the nursery heard it and laughed. At least someone else in attendance found the hilarity of it.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sugar Cookie Mishap

Note: I just finished a paper for my theology class, so spelling is not a priority in this post!

So today I decided to venture into the world of baking with the kids I babysit. I went online, retrieved a recipie for sugar cookies, and set to the task. The older two each had a part in mixing and such.

Now, if any of you know my baking history, you know I am not the best baker. This is especially ironic since my career ambition in the first grade was to be a TV chef (see, my love for broadcasting started early). I did go through one phase of sucessful cooking. I got this Betty Crocker Beginner Basics cookbook. This thing is so helpful, in fact the only way it could be more helpful is to explain how to stir (grip spoon and move hand in a circular motion).

The sugar cookies totally didn't work. They didn't even bake right. I can't figure out what they didn't seem to hardly bake at all. Maybe they were too thick (I gave up on trying to roll the dough as flat as it could go....even with flour I couldn't get the dough not to stick to the rolling pin). Whatever the reason, I threw them out (after I already threw out the dough that was gonna go on the second tray...I know a baking failure when I see it).

So if you have any SUPER EASY recipies, please share them with me! Maybe I can try again with the kids.

Really quick, my five-year-old came up to me, holding a flag with a skull and crossbones in a red bandana on it. She asked me why the Christian flag was so fascinating. I told her that wasn't the Christian flag. "That's a pirate flag." Her brother told her. She shrieked and threw it. Now THAT'S entertainment!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Who Are They Singing To???

Alright, I'm not big on musicals. You could even say I highly dislike them to the point of being just one notch away from hating them. I know not all of them are the same, but the last few musicals I have seen seem to be lacking in character and plot development. And if a play is supposed to be the audience looking in on something, who on earth are the actors singing to??? (Note: I did enjoy Phantom of the Opera. Musicals do have some redeeming qualities.)

Now, I love theater. I was in theater for many years and love seeing new shows. However, I'd rather have a fully developed character over a singing and dancing one. Before you assume I know nothing about singing and dancing let me say I danced for many years and loved it. As far as singing, you're right....I know almost nothing about it.

But still, I just don't like musicals. At least this last one had some humor (after you sat through plan scandelousness! I think I just invented a word!), and Molly Ringwald. That's right! The star of movies such as "Pretty in Pink" and "The Breakfast Club" was singing and dancing on a Raleigh stage.

The song that I tap danced to in the fourth grade was included in the play. The line at the end, "Hey girls, it's me, Charity!" makes a lot more sense in the context of the entire script.

If I had to choose between musicals and no theater, I would choose musicals. But give me an Agatha Christie novel in script format over Suessical any day. I mean, Suessical didn't even include Hop on Pop! What's that about?