Thursday, April 5, 2007


Wow. So today was pretty much amazing. There's been this off and on frustration in my life lately. I think God clued me in a little bit today about it. I thought I was supposed to learn one thing, and maybe I was supposed to learn another. I had set my agenda and it wasn't being met. But maybe God is teaching me something personal about myself and the ministry he's given me.

So my dad got a little brighter- then the card came. Once I saw the purple envelope I was pretty sure it was for me. Mom said she had sent me an Easter card. I tore into it and found a card and a Borders gift card! I was quite excited and proceeded to share this exciting news with others.

Then, a huge box was delivered to Breakthrough and I didn't think a whole lot about it. Then I found out my name was on it! I got back to the house and tore into that. I got a whole basket full of shower gels, body lotions, candy, and other stuff. One of the adult Sunday School classes at church sent it to me.

I love getting mail, but even more I love the people who send it.

And mom....I love you.

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