Thursday, April 19, 2007

Let's Do This

So there is a lot I want to do this summer. I want to join a gym (cause frankly the state of my health is absurd), I want to start a book club, get serious about putting money in my savings account, get back into my love of the written word, and find more of the joys of living in the middle of nowhere (I might as well find them and enjoy them now because in a year I plan to be out of Harnett offense to my Harnett County loved ones).

There are a lot of other plans such as going to Charleston, working two jobs, taking an advanced theology course, checking out more of the local sites (especially movies in the park at the art gallery!) and relishing this last summer vacation before I join the working world and three and a half month vacations are a thing of the past.

How do I leave this place? I am gonna figure it out in about a week and a half. It's a real reminder that it's not about me, it's about God. If ever I think the fate of a child's life rests in my hands alone, I have allowed my ego to overtake me. God can do anything with a life, I am simply the one he may choose to make it happen. Not because he needs me, but because he loves me enough to want me to be a part of the process.

And oh what a perfect patience that is! Even after I mess up time and time again God still says to me, "Daughter, I still want to use you. I forgive you. Dust off your knees where you fell, hold tighter to my hand, and let's do this."

Thank you God for picking me up time and time again.

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