Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Simple Encouragement

Well, today was an emotional day. By the end of preschool I felt worn out and wanted to get away. I went home and got a little bit of time to myself. Then my weekly meeting with one of my supervisors came around.

The poor guy probably had a million thoughts going through his head such as, "What have I gotten myself into?" As I sat there talking about the past week I started to cry! You know those times when you don't realize how much something affects you until you vocalize it and you feel the threat of tears? It was kind of like that.

I believe I am where God wants me, but that doesn't make the path always easy. Ok....before I write this next part I want to add something funny. I am watching American Idol while I write this and a girl is singing, "All By Myself." That is too funny because I was just about to say how I feel kind of lonely because no one who really knows me well is out here in Chicago. Now that I had a wonderful soundtrack for that comment, I can't help but chuckle.

Wow. Just a simple song made me smile. If songs from composers you don't know can move you, imagine what an encouraging word from a friend can do? Makes me think twice about what I say.

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