Sunday, February 25, 2007

Humbled, Yet Encouraged

I write this entry with excitement after the dissapointment earlier. My mom's flight into Chicago got cancelled so she's supposed to fly in tomorrow. Before she had a direct flight, but now she has to fly to DC then out to Chicago. I am a little concerned about this as DC is supposed to be seeing snow. So please pray that she can get here!

So Friday I got some new experience with the women's program and I am so excited about that. I got to talk to the director and the very next day I was informed that I needed to start devotions. I immediately was concerned over this instruction as I had not prepared for it. But what could I do? I had asked for more involvement and I got it.

Every devotion I have heard starts with the facilitator leading the women in a song. Now for many people this would be no big feat, but for me it was a serious area of concern. I don't even like to share hymnals in church because I don't want people to hear my voice that closely. I know, I know...the Bible says make a joyful NOISE, but I really struggle with being distracted during worship about people hearing my voice.

Thank goodness one of the newer residents suggested a song and agreed to start it. As the song began I quickly flipped through the Bible trying to find something to talk about. I decided on Hebrews 12:28-29, since they are some of my favorite verses. I'm sure I prayed for the right words and praise the Lord, they came.

Charlene or Brenda always speak with such boldness and conviction during devotions. I was pretty sure the same wouldn't hold true for the words I was going to share. But then something amazing happened- the words came tumbling out. I was confident and bold in what I was saying and I realize that's because I wasn't coming up with the words. It is incredibly obvious that God was speaking through me.

During my trip to Belize over Christmas break God showed me that teaching is one of my spiritual gifts. Then I went to a 2-day conference that confirmed it. After I spoke different people told me they enjoyed it or that I did well. Now please understand- I don't say that to brag and be like, "Look at me! I can teach!" I say that because it was further evidence of the gift God has given me. As I look back over my life I can see instances in which God was showing me he has given me teaching as a gift, it just took my human mind a long time to figure it out.

If I at all sound prideful I want to share something that happened later that night that would take away any pride I might have had. My friend Melanie drove me home from Moody where my key had fallen out of my bag. Not figuring this out till we were already heading toward my apartment, I decided to look for it again when I got there and could stand up. Nothing.I called Dave and Jossie, whom I rent from, but they didn't answer and were out of town anyway due to the leftover smoke from the fire nextdoor. I tried to call another girl I work with because somehow it just felt better to bother someone my age at midnight than anybody else. No luck.

Finally I decided to call my supervisor, Marcie. Now the only reason I would have called them is because they opened up their house to me in the nights right after the fire. I felt like a real moron as the senior program director answered the phone after he had obviously been asleep.

Now I thought about how it looked. Intern from the country calls her supervisors at midnight when they were sleeping because she doesn't have anywhere to stay, even though she rents an apartment (yes, I could have stayed with Melanie, but I didn't want to ask her cause she had plans for the next morning and had been so helpful already). But thankfully they allowed me to stay in their spare bedroom, but I felt like a complete moron.

Well, I'm gonna be wishing the hours away at work tomorrow until I get off and go meet my mom at the airport. I'm excited about this week!

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